Sunday, April 5, 2009

How random is random?

I really enjoy writing Computer software. A good portion of my Silicon Valley career(s) involved the development and management of software on everything from supercomputers to personal computers to video games. Most of the development was system software like operating systems and compilers. However, what I’ve enjoyed most is developing application software.

Even though most all of my time is now involved in metaphysical pursuits, I still find time do do some application software development. I find this is not only mentally balancing, but therapeutic as well. To date I’ve developed an astrology program and a divination program. I’m not really selling them commercially but I do use them in counseling sessions. However, my son and I have started an iPhone application company where we are developing apps, some of them having a metaphysical twist.

Well, to get to the point of that long winded introduction, in order for a divination program to work it needs a way to select the right card for the proper perspective that will help to answer our question. For us human’s that's an easy task. We tune in to the question, affirm that the proper card will be selected and pick one. This works great as long as there is respect and belief in what we are doing. However, for the deterministic and predictable workings of a computer it’s another matter!

The computer’s way of breaking its natural predictability, is to use what is called a random number generator. The generator produces a number that is dutifully random and cannot be predicted without a huge amount of effort. The random number generator gives the software a fighting chance for picking a card that does not follow a predictable pattern. Thats a good start but how can the computer pick the right card?

Ha! Here is where the rubber of the deterministic world meets the road of metaphysics. The rest of the explanation may be a bit of a stretch unless you have personally experienced it. In addition, the rest of this blog entry is easier to understand if you know nothing about computers and think that engineers drive trains.

What the computer needs is a way for the universe to force the random number generator to produce a useful number. This is entirely possible when some time basis is used for the generator. Then all the universe needs to do is to help the person deal a card by clicking on the select card button at exactly the right time. All the computer needs to do, is to do its predictable thing. After all computers don’t think. (Or do they?)

Beyond a time based random number generator, the Universe needs two additional items in order to select the proper cards. The first is a set of card images or icons that have been created with the pictorial representations needed in the divination process. The second is for the user to muster up enough respect to give the Universe a chance. The image part is easy. The images are supposedly created by an artist that knows the relationship between the picture and its energy. That energy infuses the image throughout all of its uses. This includes the images as they are stored in the computer.

So, through proper timing, the Universe matches the card image with the question(ers) need. This is simple if you are the Universe. I have no argument with the Universe’s wisdom. I have seen computers produce really enlightened answers to difficult questions using properly created divination software. There is a whole lot of empirical evidence showing that the process works!

The second Universal need has to do with respect, and that is a different matter. Our free will choice lets us use divination software independently of the amount of respect that we have. I know, through experience, that the Universe’s answer is indirect if the questioners respect isn’t there. Yep, the answers are helpful, but not necessarily in the area of the question. The answer will be more directed toward the person gaining respect.

So how does all of this actually work? I really don’t know. It is clear to me that random isn’t random. After all it’s called metaphysics for a reason. The biggie question is; How does the Universe connect the question, the questioner and the computer together? When I figure that one out I’ll pass it on through this blog. Don’t hold your breath. I think that the point is that the Universe is wise enough to work with computers if you give it half a chance.

What do you think?



  1. Does not seem plausible to me. I have no problem accepting that the Universe would be capable of what you describe. But intervention seems a crude and clumsy way of accomplishing the goal. Surely a super intelligence would get it right the first time and not constantly correct itself by intervention. Or if a correction mechanism is part of the game then it would be integrated into the system.

  2. Hi Harry,

    Thanks for the comment

    There is no intervention - All that is necessary is that there is no predetermined set of numbers. This is guaranteed by a time based number generator. Then the super intelligence can pick the card by waiting for the proper timing. Note that the numbers cycle every 100 micro seconds or so...

