Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Taking Responsibility

Have you ever thought about what it would be like if everyone in the world took absolute responsibility for everything that occurred in their life? Here is my list...

  • Blaming others would vanish thereby allowing any lawyers that are left to focus on criminal law. Greedy and unfounded lawsuits would be greatly reduced.
  • Every person would choose alternatives according to their free will choice giving them more control of their life path. People would no longer turn their power over to others.
  • Unfounded excuses would disappear, creating a yearn to understand issues more clearly. This would help innovative kinds of education to flourish.
  • What goes around comes around would have real meaning. The legal system would be revamped, bringing true justice to the way criminals and victims are treated.
  • Luck would no longer be an excuse for bad (or good) performance. A persons skills would be more finely honed. People would become more adept through the expression of their skills.
  • Taking responsibility for another person would be reduced to only those instances where there is actually a need for caregiving. The desire to control another person would be eliminated. Mental health would take a giant leap forward
  • The need “to get even” disappears. People would have a real desire to get along. Unfounded war is eliminated.
Now, if I extend the above items to some conclusion, here’s what I think eventually would happen:
  • Lawyers would disappear.
  • You would control your own life.
  • You would be better educated.
  • You would be treated fairly.
  • You would be more skilled.
  • You would be healthy mentally.
  • War would disappear.
I’m having a hard time thinking about the downside of taking responsibility. Why don’t you take full responsibility for everything that happens to you for a month and see what happens?

What do you think?


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