Thursday, August 20, 2009

Sparse blogging (Again)

Sorry about the lack of blogging but I am on the way to Arizona and it is taking longer than I thought. :-(

Back soon...


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Can one person make a difference? Really?

There are highly visible people that seem to make changes in peoples lives. For instance, without mentioning specifics, there are charismatic leaders or inventors that do things that can ultimately make changes in peoples lives. These people are examples of what can be done to instigate external changes that effect peoples lives.

I think that it if far easier to make world wide changes than the preceding paragraph indicates.

For another perspective, lets look at some statistics:

If one of one hundred people would do something that would make a significant positive change in someone else’s life every three months, how long would it take to make a world wide difference? Simple arithmetic says that in five years 20% of humanity would undergo a significant positive change in their life. In 25 years everyone would have made a positive change. Yes, I know that the statistics are way simplified but the point is that it doesn’t take a lot of effort for a few people to make changes in peoples lives.

I think that it if far easier to make world wide changes than the preceding paragraph indicates.

For another perspective, lets look at environmental influence:

If one person becomes more balanced and better understands their own potential, then people around them are affected. The balance spreads into the immediate environment. This makes it easier for others that are in close proximity to find a better balance, thus creating a widening spread of balancing influence. The widening influence combines with other spreads of influence, creating an ever growing spread of influence.

I think that it if far easier to make world wide changes than the preceding paragraph indicates.

For another perspective, lets look at etheric influence:

People are connected in ways that extend beyond physical contact. The hundred monkey theory is a good example of influence that extends beyond physical contact or, for that matter, technology. See for a good description. The one hundred monkeys were focused on good clean food and they helped many more monkeys solve their localized food problems.

I think that it if far easier to make world wide changes than the preceding paragraph indicates.

For another perspective, lets look at more universal influence:

If one hundred monkeys can help with food problems through their combined need or thoughts, what would be the influence of one hundred people combining to help bring peace to their location or their culture? What would be the influence of one thousand or even one million people visualizing or focusing or meditating on a common peaceful goal?

The key is a common localized focus without judgement and without preconceptions. Nothing more, nothing less.

What do you think?


Sunday, August 2, 2009

Magic is personal.

Every once in a while, while meditating, I experience something that seems to be well beyond my knowledge, yet alone my experience. That happened today. Below is what I immediately wrote down.

There is a place where magic is known.

There is a place where magic is used.

There is a place where magic is real.

Magic is hidden in plain site.

Magic is within the heart and mind of yourself.

Don’t be afraid of magic.

Look for magic.

Expect magic.

Recognize magic.

Practice magic.

There is a place where magic is known.

There is a place where magic is used.

There is a place where magic is real.

Magic is hidden in plain site.

Magic is within the heart and mind of yourself.

Don’t be afraid of magic.

Look for magic.

Expect magic.

Recognize magic.

Practice magic.

There is a place where magic is known.

There is a place where magic is used.

There is a place where magic is real.

Magic is hidden in plain site.

Magic is within the heart and mind of yourself.

Don’t be afraid of magic.

Look for magic.

Expect magic.

Recognize magic.

Practice magic.

What do you think?


PS: also see my blog entry How real is magic?

Monday, July 27, 2009

The importance of knowing who you are.

An interesting way to figure out how important it is to know yourself is to look at it in its extremes.

  • First extreme: Everyone in the world hasn’t a clue as to who they are.
    • A wimpy person may take up boxing and get beaten to a pulp because they did not understand their physical limit.
    • A intellectually challenged person would spend their whole life in rocket science school and never graduate because they didn’t understand their intellectual limits.
    • An extremely creative person would never try painting because they thought that everyone should be a rocket scientist.
  • Second extreme: Everyone in the world really knows who they are.
    • Everyone would take responsibility for their decisions. (See my blog entry on taking responsibility: )
    • If something goes haywire, everyone would be able to analyze it from the perspective of their strengths. This would make it easy to categorize the event as a learning experience or, oops, I just did something foolish, experience.
    • There would be little self confidence issues. Doing something new would bypass thoughts of “can I do it” and be reduced to a simple issue of courage. :-)

Yep, the above are a bit silly but the examples demonstrate the different perspectives and are not meant to stir deep emotions. It’s important to understand that the above analysis is pure conjecture and hasn’t a resemblance to the real world. However, even if there is some semblance of accuracy, which category would you like to be part of? It’s an easy decision...

Now there is also a metaphysical perspectives that I think is really valid. The bottom line is:

The better you know yourself the more profoundly you are able to express yourself. The better everyone expresses their true self, the more balanced the world becomes. I think that this if fodder for an independent blog entry so I’ll just drop it for now.

What do you think?


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Does what others think, count?

I’ve been thinking about this blog topic for a number of years. I’ve come to the conclusion that there are two valid answers. Yes and no. Now, I’m not trying to be flippant but there really are two valid answers in what can be categorized in each of three perspectives. Whether it is yes or no depends upon the perspective you are coming from.

Here are three perspectives with a example of the two answers for each of them:

  1. Environmental perspectives:
    1. The answer might be yes if your perspective is coming from a job that requires interaction with people.
    2. The answer might be no if you are retired and live in your motorhome that is docked in some nondescript place where living off social security is possible.
  2. Emotional perspectives:
    1. The answer might be yes if you have a need to please others.
    2. The answer might be no if you really don’t give a darn.
  3. Awareness perspectives:
    1. The answer might be yes if you are a counselor and helping another person break through a problem. How the other person reacts to you is important.
    2. The answer might be no if you are so comfortable with who you are that the negative side of what another thinks never becomes confrontational.

Naturally, there are many variants of the six above statements. I am not really sure if any of the variants is good or bad, better or best. Neither am I sure whether the three perspectives are properly labeled, but at least they are a good start...

The only nonjudgemental thing I can come up with is, “so what.”

What do you think?


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Resistance is futile.

I’m a Star Trek fan and the 1990 episode “The Best of Both Worlds” had an interesting statement that came from the Borg.

"Strength is irrelevant. Resistance is futile. We wish to improve ourselves. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service ours."

This seems to me to be selfish or, at best, non productive. I don’t agree with the part about cultures adapting to service ours. In fact, I’m also not sure about the part concerning adding biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. I do, however like the part about resistance is futile. Let me explain...

The Universe does not create problems. Through free will, we resist change in our thoughts or in our actions, to the point where friction presents itself as a problem. In other words, problems are not created by the universe, they are created through our own free will choices. At least those choices that divert us from our path.

A part of my belief is that we are here to grow in awareness and understanding about ourself and how to apply our energies in a way that brings balance. This means that the what goes around comes around law, creates an arena that moves us to a greater balance and awareness. The law ultimately directs us along a productive path. Resistance to the personal changes that are needed for full awareness of our path, is futile. At least if we want to solve our problems without too much consternation.

Here is a rewrite of the Borg perspective that is more agreeable to me...

In the long run, strength applied toward resistance of change, is futile. Through free will we wish to improve ourself by adding cultural and technological distinctiveness as part of our own knowledge. Through diverse knowledge, my perspective will grow and change to a better understanding of my uniqueness.

The above statement could probably still use a bit of tuning up but it provides a good start. What is your version?

What Do you think?


Sunday, July 5, 2009

A thought about experiential teaching.

More and more now days I seem to forget things. I’m not sure if it has to do with age or something else. However I do know that when I am focused, my memory is not a problem. So I’m working on focus...

There is another factor that comes from the philosophy of Scott Adams. (The Dilbert comic strip creator.) It is that people have a tendency to forget what they are told but remember what they experience. I certainly agree with that. In fact, if I experience something I remember it, independent of my focus at that moment.

All of the above is pretty obvious at least from my point of view. However, the telling vs. experience thing has significant ramifications concerning teaching styles. It implies that if a teacher stands up in front of a class and pontificates, then the students tend to forget the information. That is certainly true for me whether I’m listening to a friend or part of a class or group discussion. I don’t have a long attention span and pontification is boring.

So how do you teach people in a way that they will remember what you are teaching?

I think that the key lies in perspective. Whenever I’m experiencing something my perspective centers around myself. My entire sensual experience has to do with, as well as create, my state of being at that moment. This means that if the teacher teaches from the perspective of the students, the teaching will have greater impact.

OK, so how does a teacher come from the perspective of the students? Here are some steps that work for me...

  1. Have a stated theme and don’t get diverted.
  2. Be open minded and don’t follow a prescribed lesson plan.
  3. Ask a question, concerning the theme, and get as many individual answers that can be drawn out from the group, as possible.
  4. Find, and state, a single common thread contained in the answers, making sure to relates to the theme. This is easier than you might think. It’s actually fun!
  5. Use that common thread in an experiential exercise to build new individual perspectives. Use art, meditation, writing, etc.
  6. Ask a question to draw out the new individual perspectives.
  7. Find, and state, the common thread in the new perspectives, making sure to relates to the theme. This is easier than you might think. It’s actually fun!
  8. Stop before things get too philosophical. Remember pontification doesn’t work!

Yep, it does take a bit of practice but isn’t the job of a teacher to teach? I think that trying to show others how much you know isn’t productive. I also think that a good teacher, in every class, will learn at least as much as the students.

What do you think?


PS: Here are some other blog entries that might be interesting.

Some thoughts about communication...

A Thought About Listening...

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Time travel

A classic question is: Can time travel exist without mucking up the present? Or, can the the past be changed, even if you exist in the present? These are interesting questions that tends to make the muck even muckier. Mucky or not, lets see if there are some productive thoughts...

Time lines are really tied to the position of the observer. For instance, time lines in the past seems to be closer together that time in the present. Time goes fast or slow depending upon how busy or interested we are in a project. Or, In a bit more esoteric vein, Einstein shows how time is compressed or expanded depending upon how fast the observer or traveler is moving. In addition, meditative states exist where time doesn’t seem to exist.

It is the meditative perspective that interests me.

Whenever a certain meditative elevation is reached, a profound sense oneness exists. Everything in the universe is touchable instantaneously. This creates a perspective that time is nonexistent. In fact, at least for me, the only movement that I notice is an expansion of awareness.

The bottom line for me fits into the category of I don’t give a never mind about the physical aspects concerning time travel. The reason is that timeless sojourners in meditation are real to me. Who is to say that the meditative awareness is not real and the consciousness awareness is only apparent?

Indeed, there are very useful meditative techniques that look at the past, change it and then move into the future without being encumbered by the past perspective.

Now if there was only a way to test time travel in the physical, conscious world...

What do you think?


Monday, June 15, 2009

All pervasive practicality.

Most of the time I think about practicality as being tied to a process or a decision. For instance, it is more practical to wash under one arm with the opposite hand. Or, as the ancient warriors found through trial and error, that the proper order is to conquer, have a good time, pillage, and then burn. Any other order doesn’t work as well. (Please excuse the silliness, but you get the idea...)

I like being practical. When I’m ready to do something I like to produce something that has value. Being practical is good. However, There is an infinite number of things to do and there is a large number of ways to get any one thing done. Which way is the best? Which way is the most practical?

The best and most practical way to get anything done is to participate in all pervasive practicality.

All pervasive practicality has to do with awareness. The greater your awareness, the better the chance you have at coming up with a practical solution to a problem. Here is an example:

Lets say you are flipping a house (completely remodeling it for sale) and the house needs lots of work. Normally the most practical way to get it done is to paint last. However, how about painting first. There would be no need to mask off trim and windows. You could get a big spray gun and then just stand in the center of the room and spray everywhere. Next, change out the windows and then paint the trim and last, put in the carpet. Yes there are holes in that process depending on the exact situation, but you get the idea. The use of greater awareness gets the job done and the net result is the same as the tried and true practical way.

If greater awareness is used in the decision making process, the result is better practicality.

You know the saying that if you teach people to fish other that to just give them fish, the problem of hunger is solved. (Or something like that.) Using all pervasive practicality through greater awareness is not fishy. It is simply much more efficient, let alone more practical. You no longer need to learn a whole bunch of practical ways to accomplish whatever. All you need is greater awareness.

All pervasive practicality is letting greater awareness permeate all your decision making processes. It is free of charge.

A blog entry on increasing your awareness is sometime in the future...

What do you think?


Saturday, June 13, 2009

Sparse blogging


Sorry for the sparse blogging but just got back from Friesland where Anne Claire and I gave a 5 day workshop, then off to 10 days of classes, workshops, etc. in New York and California. Will resume when I reach Oregon and the comfort of my motorhome, Matilda.


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Some thoughts about knowing the answer.

If you are convinced that you know the answer, you have unhappily stopped learning.

That sounds like a pretty deterministic statement but it does have a softer side. Its softer side has to do with fulfillment. Let me describe my thinking...

I find that I go through a series of steps or mental positions whenever I start pursuing a new interest. I’ve listed my rendering of the steps below. The steps may seem a bit categorical but, in reality, the amount of time I spend in each step is quite variable and can be anywhere from a second to years. They are:
  1. Discover a new interest...
  2. Determine the subjects value through research...
  3. Discuss the subject and formulate a conclusion...
  4. Defend the conclusion through argument...
  5. Decide that there is more to learn...
  6. Discard your conclusion...
  7. Draw a sense of fulfillment from your expanding knowledge...
Each of these steps is important. How far I get down the list has a lot to say about how happy I am. It is easy to get stuck at step 4, thereby making it difficult to expand my knowledge. Another word for that is stubbornness. I know this because I have been there an embarrassingly large number of times. I also know that when I (really) get to step 5 then a new world of knowledge opens up for me. I am able to go beyond an older way of thinking into something more expansive and creative. I can honestly say that when I am being stubborn I am not happy. In fact, I would go further to say that I have never seen a stubborn person that is happy.

The traditional topics that seem to promulgate invariant or stubborn stances are:
  • Religion
  • Politics
  • Authority
  • Family
  • Moola
Note that the above list comes from my experiences. Yours may be different and that’s good. However, the point is that all of the above has a stated or implied purpose seated in helping to create a better life. So why do we belligerently declare, debate and defend our position about them? Well, I guess it is because we are not really sure about the value of our position.

Perhaps our position really isn’t creating a more fulfilling life. Perhaps we really want to move beyond our current position to something that has greater value for us that creates fulfillment. Movement implies change. Change in a thinking pattern requires that we go beyond what we know into a thought pattern that is open and receptive to a change of mind.

When we are open to mental expansion our stubborn tendency goes away. We are far more open to changing our mind and no longer have a need to defend our position. When we are no longer argumentative we are happier. When we are happy we have a good go at fulfillment.

The bottom line is that when we no longer are convinced that we have the answer we have become open to fulfillment. There is no limit to what we can learn, nor is there a limit on fulfillment. Being a know-it-all is not a happy thing!

What do you think?


Monday, June 1, 2009

Undesirable emotions as catalysts

Catalyst a figurative definition: A Person or thing that precipitates an event.

I’m a firm believer that anything that happens in my life is there for a reason. I’ve also
noticed that many things that happen to me eventually precipitate some sort of action. This seems particularly true when what is happening involves what I would call an undesirable emotion such as anger or being judgemental.

In other words, undesirable emotions are catalysts for activity. I know that it doesn’t always initially seem that way but when I step back from the situation and with a bit patience, the catalectic action becomes obvious to me. Eventually I will get off my duff and do something that changes the emotion.

Here is my (incomplete) list of some undesirable emotions and their catalytic result.
  • Gilt doesn’t bring something back, but it is a catalyst to move on.
  • Anger creates imbalance, but it is a catalyst to get you off your duff.
  • Apathy creates nothing, but it is a catalyst to regroup.
  • Preaching is not really followed, but it is a catalyst to tune up your beliefs.
  • Judgement creates separation, but it is a catalyst for better understanding.
  • Stealing creates poverty, but it is a catalyst to understand responsibility.
Does this mean that undesirable emotions are good? I don’t think so. However, it seems that they are a universal tool that helps push us on a more productive path. The key is to cultivate harmony and not to get use to undesirable emotions. After all, fulfillment and happiness certainly are lots more fun! :-)

Undesirable emotions however, eventually create balance. The amount of time it takes is a free will choice.

What do you think?


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

What is grace?

Grace: Simple elegance or refinement of movement. Courteous goodwill. An attractively polite manner of behaving.

A perspective about grace is often overshadowed by awkward movement or mannerisms. However I think that there is part of everyone that is sublimely graceful, independently of the persons physical characteristics. That grace shows itself whenever wisdom surfaces.

Now, I’m not thinking about physical movement. However, I am thanking about inner expression. I think that wisdom can take many forms. It can be a saying that changes an attitude or a belief. It can be an intellectual movement that changes a preconceived idea. It happens when there a heartfelt expression of truth that needs no logic or experience to be accepted. It is the moment when gooseflesh appears or the hairs stand up on your arm. It is a moment that exists when you have experienced something that is important for you. It doesn’t matter if you are the giver or the receiver of the heartfelt expression of truth.

That moment puts you in a state of grace.

It happens when two things are present;

  • When you are ready to accept change.
  • When you are quiet and truly listening.

The inner expression of truth has a power to transcend all the restrictions we have placed upon ourselves due to our expectations and experiences. That inner expression of truth puts everyone that is touched in a state of grace.

The key lies in inner expression. Inner expression is independent of the facade we present to our environment. It is an expression of our true identity. It is who we really are and not what we may think that we want to be. It is not a emulation of an idol or another’s mannerisms. It is an honest expression of our uniqueness.

Here is a different way to look at grace. There is a graceful world within that brings wisdom to everything that is willing to accept change. All we need to do is to present an honest expression of who we are.

What do you think?


Saturday, May 23, 2009

A Thought About Universes

The master teacher Julian, through June Burke, indicated the existence of seven universes, but have you spent any effort in finding out more? I’ve been thinking about the universes for some time but recently had a dream that gave me some fresh insight. Let me share that with you...
The dream indicated that the seven universes occupied the same space and operated simultaneously and in consort with each other. Each universe existed at a different level of vibration or consciousness.

That was an interesting dream, but what about time differences between physical and spiritual representations? What about spacial considerations? Hmmm...

I think that a big clue lies in the universal law of correspondence. “As above, so below.” Or, whatever exists in the physical world also exists in the spiritual world. This dual existence between physical and spiritual must transcends time and space because time and space doesn’t exist in the spiritual world. However, for this to be true there needs to be the existence, or at least the perspective of something that bridges the timeless, spaceless spiritual continuum with the linear time and space of the physical world.

One obvious bridge is represented by the elementals such as gnomes and elves (earth), sylphs (air), salamanders (fire) and sprites (water) that work with the physical world. Another bridge would be our helpers such as angelic forces, guides, teachers and guardians. Also, what about human existence between incarnations? A point is that the elementals have an ability to modify the physical world while our helpers can normally only nudge our thoughts in a way that our reaction modifies the physical world. Both elementals and angelic forces can bridge aspects of the spiritual continuum based upon their need or assignment. Yes, I know that this can be argued and is perhaps more philosophical than logical but give me a bit of slack here. That can be delayed for another thought.

So, here is my concept of the seven universes:

  • The physical universe as perceived by humans while in an incarnation.
  • The elemental earthy universe bridged by gnomes and elves.
  • The elemental watery universe bridged by sprites.
  • The elemental fiery universe bridged by salamanders.
  • The elemental airy universe bridged by sylphs.
  • The universe of our spiritual world bridged through human incarnations.
  • The universe of angelic forces bridged through the need for balance between all universes.

What do you think?


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Are there accidents? Really.

Back in a more argumentative time of my life I would sometimes, just for fun, become the devil’s advocate. One of my favorite topics was accidents. I would argue that there is no such thing as an accident.

Naturally, the brunt of my argument would produce examples of when they were sitting at a stop light and got rear ended. Or a time when the clock’s battery was depleted causing the clock to be off. The slow clock caused them to be late for an important meeting. I had lots of good arguments but eventually they all boiled down to the following four thoughts...

  • Thought 1. What did I do to create this situation? The law of what goes around, comes around is absolute. See my blog entry on Taking Responsibility.
  • Thought 2. What was my focus? When I think about what would happen if I dropped the glass, the probability of spilt milk is pretty big.
  • Thought 3. Repetition leads to patterns, be they good or bad. Habits help to create a similar situation. If the situation is marginal, then marginal things happen.
  • Thought 4. I’m just accident prone. See my blog entry on Does Luck Exist?...

An important sidebar is that when I really understood the above thoughts, I stopped arguing. Yep, eventually I reached a point where I could care less if people believed in accidents. I didn’t reach that point out of boredom, lack of interest or because I stopped believing in my argument. I reached that point when I really believed in my argument!

In any event, when we I am absolutely honest with myself, I can trace the accident back to one or more of the above thoughts. Sometimes it requires some flexibility in interpretation without becoming too literal. For instance If I got rear ended, how many times have I blindsided another person in an argument? Or, what was the eventual result of the missed meeting? Perhaps the meeting was non eventful and it was far more important for me to attend to other matters. Or, the real reason for the broken leg was to slow down and pay more attention to stress levels.

Hopefully, at least there is something to think about. The essence of my thoughts boil down to the following: When I take responsibility for everything that happens in my life, I have no accidents!

What do you think?


Friday, May 15, 2009

How real is magic?

Here is one of the dictionary definitions of magic. A quality that makes something seem removed from everyday life, especially in a way that gives delight.

Granted, the above definition doesn’t delineate that aspect of the word magic that has to do with theatrics or apparent power. It does relate to the process of movement in your life that goes beyond your current beliefs. It also is a pointer in the direction of delight. Now, thats something that is really interesting to me, going beyond my current beliefs in a delightful way.

We are in an energy that has only those limits that we impose upon ourselves. If ever there is a time in our life that we can go beyond limiting thoughts and beliefs, it is now. Reality is a fuzzy thing. What is a dream one moment can become fact another. For instance, at one time in my life I thought that owning a Ferrari was an impossible dream. However, one day I was walking by the Ferrari car dealer and impulsively walked in. I found that Ferrari had produced a limited number of cars that were actually affordable. This was the first and only time Ferrari had done this and it lasted for only a few months. I needed a new car at the time, I had some money saved, and the opportunity was there, so I bought one. For me it was magical and it certainly gave me delight!

Well, we don’t have to find magic by buying a Ferrari but we can find magic in unforeseen ways as we march along our life path. The tricky thing is the unforeseen part. We need to recognize the magic as, or before, it happens. Then we can make it part of our life. We need to be open to the possibilities and not be dragged down by experience or local knowledge.

So, how can we attract magic? Like everything in life, attraction starts with thoughts and attitudes. Below are my thoughts that lead to magic for me. I would like to urge you to produce a list for yourself.

  • Expect magic.
  • Look for magic.
  • Recognize magic when it finds you.
  • Accept and respect the magic.
  • Experience delight that magic happened.
  • Integrate the magical result into your point of view.
  • Use the integrated magical result.

Note that there is no work that leads to magic. Oops, there is a bunch of non physical attitudinal work involved. However, the important thing to realize is that it leads to delight and every once in a while, a Ferrari. It’s worth it!

Part of the human condition is to remember and believe what we experience. This makes it necessary for us humans to go beyond our limiting beliefs in order to cultivate magic. Another aspect of being human is to aspire to greater things. The trick is to mold our dreams or aspirations into an absolute knowing that it is there for us. One thing that today’s energy doesn’t support is a pollyanna attitude. That attitude stops us in our tracks because, neither the universe, or ourselves takes non productive attitudes seriously.

Magic is real. Let go of preconceptions and go for it!

What do you think?


Monday, May 11, 2009

A Thought About Listening

I have been working with some people on honing their (our) listening skills. Some of that interaction would be good fodder for thought, so here it is...

Here is my bottom line:

Effective listening extends beyond being polite to the person that is talking to you. Listening involves a comprehension that goes beyond personality likes and dislikes. It extends into important messages from everyones higher source. Listening has no meaning unless you take what you hear into some sort of action. That action is driven by a greater, or more universal understanding behind the meaning of the conversation.

But first, what are the steps to fruitful listening? Here are mine...

1. Become quiet. Internal distractions are unproductive.
2. Focus on the event. External distractions are unproductive.
3. Listen to what is being said. Let the conversation enter your thoughts.
4. Hear what is said. Know what is being said from your experiential perspective.
5. Comprehend what is said. Know what is said from the others perspective.
6. Evaluate what is said. Decide, without judgement, if the conversation has merit.
7. Take free will action. Do something respectful that concerns the conversation.

The real question is; Why did you draw the conversation to you? I think that the reason comes from the universe and will ultimately drive your action. It may seem complex but the bottom line is simple. You really needed to hear what the other(s) had to say. Therefore the universe drew you to and into the conversation. I also think that everything that occurs in your life has meaning, and is ultimately directed toward your growth.

This is particularly true if you started the conversation because you had a point to make. I know that when I stand up to defend myself or when I want to correct another person, I am not entirely convinced that my opinion is valid. I know this because, invariably my opinion will soon shift. The change almost always points back to the defensive or argumentative conversation. The time lag between the conversation and opinion shift depends upon how open minded I am about the situation.

In any event, I think that all conversation, independently of how mundane or boring, will eventually lead to inner personal growth. However, first we need to listen...

What do you think?


Friday, May 8, 2009

A thought about mercury retrograde.

Recently, I have noticed a lot of blame being placed on astrological conditions causing consternation in our lives. This is particularly true when the planet mercury is retrograde.** As I don’t believe that consternation is needed in our lives, I thought that this might be a good topic for thought, so we could thoughtfully think about it.

The universe was created, in part, as a proving ground or arena for our individual growth. Under the governance of universal law, all energies exist within the universe to support that growth. The energies have no personality or reason to make life difficult. They simply present an arena for growth to occur. They are there in order to support our lives in such a way that life becomes more fulfilling.

So, astrological energies were invented in order to present an arena for growth, not to rule our lives. They provide a mechanism for getting our attention so we can prioritize our energy in a way that life becomes more fulfilling. They help us to see where adjustments are needed so our life becomes more balanced and happy.

Yes, this means that when mercury is retrograde we need to be more careful when it comes to making decisions. It does not mean that it is a time to avoid decisions. That would be counterproductive to the reason mercury retrograde exists. Indeed, if we avoid making decisions during mercury retrograde, not only does the consternation get louder, but our growth slows down.

From that perspective mercury retrograde becomes a time to make decisions, not to avoid them. The decisions just need to be made with patience and care. By changing the way you perceive mercury retrograde you can alter the effect it has on you.

What do you think?


**From Wikipedia about retrograde planets: “As seen from Earth, all the true planets appear to periodically switch direction as they cross the sky. Though all stars and planets appear to move from east to west on a nightly basis in response to the rotation of Earth, the outer planets generally drift slowly eastward relative to the stars. This motion is normal for the planets, and so is considered direct motion. However, since Earth completes its orbit in a shorter period of time than the planets outside its orbit, we periodically overtake them. When this occurs, the planet we are passing will first appear to stop its eastward drift, and then drift back toward the west. Then, as Earth swings past the planet in its orbit, it appears to resume its normal motion west to east.”

Mercury retrograde is often taken to be a bad thing or at the least a time for careful actions. Advice is sometimes given that says to not make any important decisions, sign legal papers, etc. when mercury is retrograde.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Taking Responsibility

Have you ever thought about what it would be like if everyone in the world took absolute responsibility for everything that occurred in their life? Here is my list...

  • Blaming others would vanish thereby allowing any lawyers that are left to focus on criminal law. Greedy and unfounded lawsuits would be greatly reduced.
  • Every person would choose alternatives according to their free will choice giving them more control of their life path. People would no longer turn their power over to others.
  • Unfounded excuses would disappear, creating a yearn to understand issues more clearly. This would help innovative kinds of education to flourish.
  • What goes around comes around would have real meaning. The legal system would be revamped, bringing true justice to the way criminals and victims are treated.
  • Luck would no longer be an excuse for bad (or good) performance. A persons skills would be more finely honed. People would become more adept through the expression of their skills.
  • Taking responsibility for another person would be reduced to only those instances where there is actually a need for caregiving. The desire to control another person would be eliminated. Mental health would take a giant leap forward
  • The need “to get even” disappears. People would have a real desire to get along. Unfounded war is eliminated.
Now, if I extend the above items to some conclusion, here’s what I think eventually would happen:
  • Lawyers would disappear.
  • You would control your own life.
  • You would be better educated.
  • You would be treated fairly.
  • You would be more skilled.
  • You would be healthy mentally.
  • War would disappear.
I’m having a hard time thinking about the downside of taking responsibility. Why don’t you take full responsibility for everything that happens to you for a month and see what happens?

What do you think?


Friday, May 1, 2009

Does luck exist?

With any luck, this blog entry will unleash enough mental perturbations so that some sort of thoughtful reevaluation occurs. :-)

I believe that there is no such thing as luck. Oops, excuse me for a moment while I duck from a vocal volley of “unlucky” golfers or “unlucky” stock market players. OK, now anyone left that is curious enough to continue reading, hang in there. There is a method to what may seem like foolishness, and I believe that there are some interesting thoughts about luck. The four thoughts below represent my perspective. However, your perspective is perhaps luckier...

Thought 1. The better you are at doing something, the luckier you become at doing it.
I’ve noticed while watching golf or snooker on TV how often the commentator attributes a competitor’s situation as lucky or unlucky. I’ve also noticed how quiet the commentator is concerning luck when the player is doing well.

Thought 2. The more emotionally balanced you are, the luckier you become.
When I’m feeling good and in the grove, so to speak, the lights are green and I’m considered, by my friendly onlookers, as being lucky.

Thought 3. The clearer and more honest you are, the luckier you become.
Nothing can be changed until the current situation is seen clearly, without bias or judgement. Then making the change is far easier. This creates a sense of fulfillment which, in turn, creates balance and harmony. See thought 3.

Thought 4. The less credit you give to luck, the luckier you become
Attitude creates a sense of wholeness or disharmony depending upon the attitude. When luck is given credit for something that happens in your life, your power, or your self worth is diminished. When you give yourself a pat on the back and recognize that you have accomplished something nice, then your self worth increases. See thought 2 and 3.

OK, there you have it. I believe that luck has to do with skill and state of mind. If you want to be lucky, believe in yourself, improve your skills and maintain a good balanced attitude.

What do you think?


Thursday, April 30, 2009

Am I supportive or am I a codependent?

First of all let me say that I am not a psychologist nor am I versed in psychotherapy so take my discussion with a grain of salt. However, I have seen many instances of codependency, including some within my own life, that have hindered individual expression and spiritual growth. I am extremely interested in my spiritual growth and, through implication others, so hopefully this blog entry will create some thought. Note that the blog entry on Sacrifice and Service on April 9, 2009 is related.

The following statement is drawn from the Mental Health America website ( ) I have shortened their statement somewhat in order to focus on the title of this blog entry. Am I supportive or am I a codependent?

“Co-dependency is an emotional and behavioral condition that affects an individual’s ability to have a healthy, mutually satisfying relationship. People with codependency often form or maintain relationships that are one-sided or emotionally destructive. Co-dependents have low self-esteem and look for anything outside of themselves to make them feel better. They find it hard to “be themselves.” They have good intentions. They try to take care of a person who is experiencing difficulty, but the caretaking becomes compulsive and defeating. Co-dependents often take on a martyr’s role and become “benefactors” to an individual in need.”

Under the guise of support, a codependent will act and do things for another that inhibits both peoples growth. Codependence then becomes to a two way path of thwarted growth. Let me explain my thinking...

A person can experience limitations from two different origins or catalytic behaviors. Note that, independently of the origin, the limitation is almost always karmic. The two origins are:

Physical limitations such as a loss of hearing or a crippling accident.
With physical limitations there is a need to accept the limitation coupled with a willingness to not let it reduce the quality of their life.
Mental limitations such as laziness or wanting others to make their decisions.
With mental limitations there is a need to overcome the limitation through attitude, work and diligence.

Either limitation produces fertile ground for codependency.

It seems to me that the person with the karmic limitation must prevail over the limitation in order to balance the karma. A codependent relationship will only extend the karma of the one with the limitation. The other person suppresses their potential by spending time and energy on someone else, and in all likelihood creating karma. Attempting to ease the limitation of another through a codependent relationship will only extend the duration of the pain felt through the limitation. In the long run it will not relieve the pain, if anything, it will intensify it.

The answer is compassionate interaction by helping to overcome or balance the limitation. One person cannot solve another’s problem. They can help the other to clearly see it so it then can be overcome or balanced by the other. Compassion isn’t always doing something for another, it has to do with helping the other learn how to handle the situation.

Do you remember the wise saying? Teaching a person to fish rather than giving them fish solves the problem. In my thinking, that is certainly true for codependency. Codependency diverts, if not stops two peoples paths in their tracks...

What do you think?


Monday, April 27, 2009

Some Thoughts About The Five Senses.

This entry represents a different perspective concerning healing. There is little evidence regarding its usefulness, let alone its appropriateness! However, here it is. After all the name of this blog is what do you think? By the way, I think that there is a lot of merit in the correspondences presented at the end of this blog.

Perhaps you remember from numerology that the number five has to do with the acceptance of the ability to shape and mold. (Note: I know that the number 5 has other numerical meanings but I’m choosing this one because it fits this blog entry best. :-) Five’s physical representation is analogous to bread dough before it is shaped into a loaf that is ready for the oven. From a spiritual perspective the number five has to do with energies that when experienced, result in the shape or the acceptance of the memory of the event. The shaping energy has five components that are represented by the five senses.

We all are aware of the senses. But how do they shape the mind? A good way to look at mental shaping is to draw an analogy with the ingredients of the earlier loaf of bread. However, instead of flower, milk, eggs, salt and butter, we have hearing, seeing, touching, smelling and tasting. Each ingredient enriches the experience. An ingredient or so can be left out but the relative experience, be it through eating or by the memory, diminishes. We basically yearn for the fullest experience.

In other words, the senses relate to corresponding human yearnings. Yearnings will ultimately stimulate some sort of action. However, if over an extended period of time, no action is taken to fulfill the yearn, the body becomes unbalanced. The senses provide a mechanism for bringing the body back into shape. The key is to recognize what unfilled yearn caused the original problem, and select a healing methodology that uses the corresponding sense. The result is a balanced body as long as action is then taken to fulfill the yearn in a reasonable amount of time.

The correspondence between the sense and the yearn is:

  • Smelling - Belonging
  • Tasting - Creativity
  • Seeing - Recognition
  • Touching - Understanding
  • Hearing - Interaction

Foe example, if a person is experiencing loneliness, then aromatherapy would be a good method to be used in order to help restore balance.

What do you think?


Friday, April 24, 2009

How to meditate

Meditation is easy. If you feel the need, just do the following:

Take a deep breath letting the physical body relax.
Take a 2nd deep breath letting the mind focus.
Take a 3rd deep breath letting the mind elevate.

Thats it. Don’t worry about posture or where the mind goes. In time, those things will sort themselves out. Yes, I know that many meditative disciplines involve more than three breaths. However, all meditations will eventually produce relaxation, focus and elevation, either through their process or as a result of their process. Note that there are as many ways to meditate as there are people so don’t get bogged down with the process. I prefer going straight to the horses mouth and then let your unique nature express itself without getting stuck in the details.

In this time of high energy and change it isn’t a mystery that there are more and more people meditating. Meditation has a tendency to smooth things out, making what might be seem as untenable, tolerable or even acceptable. Why is this?

Meditation results in an elevation in consciousness. I have found that this is not only evident during my process of meditation but, given the chance, in my daly life. Now, that doesn’t mean that through meditation I’ve become a know it all. But it has allowed me to see situations from a more universal point of view. The universe is non-personal so it helps me to become less judgemental. It has been the judgemental attitude that gets me into trouble. You know, the what goes around comes around, thing.

So meditation has allowed me to become more tolerant of personal surprises but also world events. This hasn’t made me more complacent, but it has helped me to see a broader picture. When the broad picture is seen, it is easer to either accept events as Inevitable, or change them, or to just let them go. That attitude creates a more balanced Sam. The more balanced Sam is less apt to increase world chaos and more apt to create world balance.

What do you think?


Monday, April 20, 2009

What is the purpose of obsession?

How often have you experiences obsession? If you are like me you will answer that question from a non-personal perspective. You will think in terms of when you have seen obsession in others. So lets rephrase the question. When have you obsessed about something? Now be honest...

Obsession has a wide range of influence from getting up at the same time every morning to washing your hands 100 times a day. Obsession has to do with the control it exercises in you life. Getting up at the same time gets you to work. Washing your hands 100 times controls much of your life. So lets rephrase the question again. When have you formed a pattern about something that went beyond realistic expectations? Now be honest...

We form patterns or habits because we don’t want to lose something. We ask for the same flavor of ice cream because we know that we like it. But is the pattern serving us? Is there a more likable flavor out there? So lets rephrase the question again. When have you missed an opportunity because of an old habit? Now be honest...

Fear of going backwards plays a big part. If I get the same ice cream every time at least I’ll be happy. But how happy? Does doing the same thing increase my happiness or does it just freeze my happiness? There is nothing wrong with fearing a loss of happiness, but does the fear stick you into a place that ultimately brings unhappiness? So lets rephrase the question again. What is it that you fear about changing the habit? Now be honest...

Well, the biggest fear of all is the fear of change. If something changes we step into an unknown situation that may actually be worse. If we could see the result of the change before experiencing the change, would the fear go away? The answer depends upon how we adjust to the change. Its an internal thing. It has nothing to do with the obsession. It has to do with reluctance about seeing the world within us. So lets rephrase the question again. What is it about yourself that you don’t want to look at? Now be honest...

That’s the end of the questions. Now, take a deep breath... Obsession was invented so we form habits in order to realize that we are missing opportunities so we can overcome a fear of changing something about ourself that we don’t want to see. Now, don’t forget to let the breath out...

The bottom line is that obsession provides a catalyst for interpersonal change. The way out is simple. I’ve found that the following affirmation helps a lot...

Oops, ran out of time - perhaps you could create an affirmation that would be helpful.

What do you think?


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Dutch bicycle karma

I spent almost half the last 15 years in the Netherlands because my Dutch partner, Anne Claire ( ) has a house there. Over that period of time I have come to the conclusion that I have Dutch bicycle karma. Let me explain...

The bicycle is king in the Netherlands. They have absolute right of way over anything else that moves, save trains and others of their own kind. This includes autos, trucks. busses and certainly people. The Dutch bicycle driver has, since childhood, cultivated the ability to charge ahead without making eye contact. They are seemingly oblivious to the destructive power of the moving beasts in or about to invade their path. The amazing thing is that it is not a demonstration of the famous Dutch tolerance, it is simply the way it is. Another thing is that there seems to be as many Dutch bicycles as there are cars in California. They are everywhere and they mostly travel in packs.

My karmic situation was pointed out right before I began writing this blog entry. Anne Claire and I were about to cross a busy street, close to her house, when a pack of bicycles approached us. The pack split around Anne Claire but headed straight toward me. I called upon my 15 years of learned bike invasion skills and got out of the way in time. There wasn’t the jingling of handlebar bells or “Dank u wel” (Dutch for thanks a lot) or sighs of frustration at my slow reaction time or, even for that matter, smiles at my plight. Eyes were straight ahead, seemingly oblivious to my reaction. Yep, they went straight for me but evaded Anne Claire.

If that experience was my first it would have been something else, but it wasn’t. I can relate many other similar instances. The only thing I can add is that Dutch cyclists have unreal reaction times. I haven’t been plowed into yet. Of course, my name being Holland does help!

Now, granted I am a foreigner and the Dutch have an uncanny way of spotting foreigners, but that’s a different blog entry. However, would the pack have split around me if I indeed was Dutch? I don’t think so. I think that it is my karma, pure and simple.

What do you think?


Monday, April 13, 2009

A thought about the mystic’s journey

The mystic works with the invisible or spiritual world in order to bring about beneficial changes in the physical world. In essence, that statement becomes the most general goal of the mystic. The goal then starts a series of events and discoveries that become the mystic’s journey.

An important part of the mystic’s journey is the realization that we are part of, and equal to, all things. It is not long before the journey turns out to be more significant than the goals that are set along the way. For it is along the journey where adventures occur that are beyond the mystic’s experience.

In order to handle the adventures, spiritual partnerships are formed that bridge the spiritual world with the physical. Even though the mystic’s physical path is a solitary journey, these partnerships form an integral part of the journey. The purpose of these partnerships is to keep the adventures from turning into stumbling blocks. The partnerships change or expand the mystic’s perspective, for it is old perspectives that hold the mystic back from the goals.

As the mystic’s perspective changes and expands, the mystic becomes more and more aware. Eventually it becomes clear to the mystic that the awareness, resulting from the inner personal transformations, is even more important than the journey. The mystic then realizes that the transformations is the real goal.

The transformations always result in greater awareness and it is through awareness that a greater ability to bridge the two worlds forms. Wisdom is also found through the greater awareness, not the other way around. That new awareness drives a cycle of yet greater awareness through service.

So the mystic’s journey is an adventure in innerpersonal transformation.

The adventures are balanced through expanded perspectives.
The expanded perspectives come through spiritual partnerships.
The expanded perspectives increase the mystic’s awareness.
The expanded awareness leads to wisdom.

The mystic’s journey leads to wisdom.

What do you think?


Thursday, April 9, 2009

Sacrifice and Service

I have seen a lot of people who assume that in order to be of service, some sort of sacrifice is necessary or, at the least, personal sacrifice is OK. The puzzling part to me is that sometimes service oriented people place themself in a position of sacrifice without realizing it. They only see the service that they think is needed.

I’m not sure I can relate to service with unintentional or implied sacrifice. In fact, I believe that the most powerful expression of service does not need sacrifice. Sacrifice ultimately creates stress. If stress isn’t handled something happens that hurts. When something hurts the universe is telling us that things are a bit wacky. Service should not create wackiness, it should create balance. Let me explain a bit further...

I’m not saying that service is bad. On the contrary, service is an ultimate aim of the human condition. However, if service is an ultimate aim, how can we do something for another without sacrifice? The answer lies in the expression of power.

My teachers June and Julian, said time after time that power is not domination, it is expression. To me, this implies that personal power is the uninhibited expression of ourself. Now, this does not mean that we can do anything we want to anyone we please. The what goes around comes around part of life keeps us on a path that is not selfish. Through the school of hard knocks we ultimately learn how self expression is accomplished in a way where no one else is taken off their path. Sooner or later we learn that uninhibited expression does not hurt a fly, let alone another person. Does that make us inhibited? Of course not. We don’t, in our constrained inhibition, become inhibited, we learn that powerful expression does not come back to haunt us, it comes back in support of us. That becomes a powerful expression of inhibition.

We can indeed be of service without sacrifice. In fact, all that is necessary is the expression of our personal power. If our expression doesn’t ultimately result in personal pain then we are being supported by the universe. In fact everyone, even if there are complaints, are being supported by the universe.

The bottom line is that sacrifice hurts. So why would we want to hurt ourself? Why do we not want to include ourself in our aim to be of service to humanity? Aren’t we a human being also? Service with pain just doesn’t cut it.

Answers lie in how we view our personal path. It has to do with self worth and in a thinking pattern where others matter more than ourself. The self worth issue is a biggie. It is certainly too big to fit in this blog entry. However, it would be interesting to peck away at it in future blogs. But for now...

What do you think?


Sunday, April 5, 2009

How random is random?

I really enjoy writing Computer software. A good portion of my Silicon Valley career(s) involved the development and management of software on everything from supercomputers to personal computers to video games. Most of the development was system software like operating systems and compilers. However, what I’ve enjoyed most is developing application software.

Even though most all of my time is now involved in metaphysical pursuits, I still find time do do some application software development. I find this is not only mentally balancing, but therapeutic as well. To date I’ve developed an astrology program and a divination program. I’m not really selling them commercially but I do use them in counseling sessions. However, my son and I have started an iPhone application company where we are developing apps, some of them having a metaphysical twist.

Well, to get to the point of that long winded introduction, in order for a divination program to work it needs a way to select the right card for the proper perspective that will help to answer our question. For us human’s that's an easy task. We tune in to the question, affirm that the proper card will be selected and pick one. This works great as long as there is respect and belief in what we are doing. However, for the deterministic and predictable workings of a computer it’s another matter!

The computer’s way of breaking its natural predictability, is to use what is called a random number generator. The generator produces a number that is dutifully random and cannot be predicted without a huge amount of effort. The random number generator gives the software a fighting chance for picking a card that does not follow a predictable pattern. Thats a good start but how can the computer pick the right card?

Ha! Here is where the rubber of the deterministic world meets the road of metaphysics. The rest of the explanation may be a bit of a stretch unless you have personally experienced it. In addition, the rest of this blog entry is easier to understand if you know nothing about computers and think that engineers drive trains.

What the computer needs is a way for the universe to force the random number generator to produce a useful number. This is entirely possible when some time basis is used for the generator. Then all the universe needs to do is to help the person deal a card by clicking on the select card button at exactly the right time. All the computer needs to do, is to do its predictable thing. After all computers don’t think. (Or do they?)

Beyond a time based random number generator, the Universe needs two additional items in order to select the proper cards. The first is a set of card images or icons that have been created with the pictorial representations needed in the divination process. The second is for the user to muster up enough respect to give the Universe a chance. The image part is easy. The images are supposedly created by an artist that knows the relationship between the picture and its energy. That energy infuses the image throughout all of its uses. This includes the images as they are stored in the computer.

So, through proper timing, the Universe matches the card image with the question(ers) need. This is simple if you are the Universe. I have no argument with the Universe’s wisdom. I have seen computers produce really enlightened answers to difficult questions using properly created divination software. There is a whole lot of empirical evidence showing that the process works!

The second Universal need has to do with respect, and that is a different matter. Our free will choice lets us use divination software independently of the amount of respect that we have. I know, through experience, that the Universe’s answer is indirect if the questioners respect isn’t there. Yep, the answers are helpful, but not necessarily in the area of the question. The answer will be more directed toward the person gaining respect.

So how does all of this actually work? I really don’t know. It is clear to me that random isn’t random. After all it’s called metaphysics for a reason. The biggie question is; How does the Universe connect the question, the questioner and the computer together? When I figure that one out I’ll pass it on through this blog. Don’t hold your breath. I think that the point is that the Universe is wise enough to work with computers if you give it half a chance.

What do you think?


Friday, April 3, 2009

arrogant: Having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities

Recently I have been faced with what seems to me as bouts of arrogance. Not only in other people but in myself. I’ve thought about this at some length and would like to share with you some of those thoughts. I can’t say that my thoughts are finalized, but, at least for me, it is a good step along the way. I know that each of the following thoughts are fodder for it’s own blog entry or even a book, but here they are in condensed form:

Thought 1: A good listener has cultivated the ability to look at discussions from the other persons perspective. Then, using that perspective, the listener modifies their perception and thinking pattern so that further discussion is balanced and productive. When I take a really close look at a group conversation it becomes apparent to me that the number of different perspectives are as real as the number of people involved in the interaction. The interaction bears fruit when the concept of better and worse are put aside. Arguing only from your perspective is certainly arrogant. In addition, self centered listening creates self centered interaction. Listening only from your perspective, is arrogant.

Thought 2: One of the eventual discoveries in everyones life path is that it you need to take responsibility for everything that comes into your life. This especially includes events that bring different perspectives into your thinking patterns. Through the universal law of cause and effect, what goes around comes around. If blame is consistently placed on others, we get consistently blamed. If someone disagrees with you it is not their fault, it is yours. Blaming others is arrogant.

Thought 3: I’ve found, through the school of hard knocks, a problem persists until I honestly pursued the root cause of the problem. When the root cause is found then I can transform it into something more balanced. Transforming the symptom, or reaction to a cause doesn’t work, the hard knock effects still occurs because I am only fooling myself. Yes, transforming a symptom gives some relief, but it is short lived. The same problem will eventually crops up again. Brutal honesty is necessary in order for me to transform the problems root cause. The result is a happy, painless Sam person. You can’t fool the universe. The universe wants the problem permanently solved. Fooling yourself is arrogant.

Thought 4: Each person is responsible for their own balanced path through life. (See thought 2 above.) This implies that it is your problem when you do things for others in a way that creates imbalance. This includes the continuation of codependency's and lack of self worth as well as a whole host of related issues. As self confidence is lost there is a tendency for reliance upon others. This creates dependencies that actually place you in a more dominate position. Relying upon others for decisions is arrogant.

Thought 5: The way to peace is to become peaceful. A domineering path to peace is arrogant.

Thought 6: Humbleness seems to place the humble person in a submissive position. This creates an imbalance that actually places them in a dominant position through a controlling need to be supported. Support works for everybody including the supporters as long as mutual respect is honored. (Note that the word humble could be replaced by sickly.) Humbleness, without respect is arrogant.

Hopefully, one or more of these thoughts will create some disagreement. If that is so, then you have started a process in which you will gain new perspectives. Thats good, as long as they are your perspectives aren’t arrogant! Hmmm, now lets see, is this blog entry arrogant?

What do you think?


Thursday, April 2, 2009

Some thoughts about different cultures

My partner of 15 years, Anne Claire, is Dutch and I’m American. She has a great house in the central part of the Netherlands and I have a comfortable motor home, named Matilda, that is currently parked in the back yard of a friend In Portland Oregon. When we are in the Netherlands we naturally stay in Anne Claire’s home. When we are in the U.S. we naturally stay and travel in Matilda. This naturally creates what may seem like an unnatural dichotomy in life styles.

Nothing could be further from the natural truth.

When our partnership was young, the excitement of our different cultures kept things really moving. I was teaching classes in the U.S. and England and Anne Claire was teaching in the Netherlands. Both of us wanted to expand our reach into the others part of the world. Those early years were spent in constant travel in our respective areas. Matilda made at least 30 trips across the U.S. and, because of the size of the Netherlands, I discovered many introspective aspects about the Dutch culture.

As time grew on it seemed as if I was becoming more Dutch and Anne Claire was becoming more American. We found that we were adopting that part of the others culture that we admired. In short, when we were in the U.S. we did things that we enjoyed about the American culture and when we were in the Netherlands we did enjoyable things we liked about the Netherlands.

We found that our lives were doubly blessed due to the doubling of our cultural experience. We were having double the fun without doubling (splitting) our personalities.

The key, from my point of view, lies in the acceptance of what culturally works for us as individuals, independently of the resident country. By merging what we deemed best of the two cultures we created, within ourselves, a richer cultural experience. It had nothing to do with competition, politics or economic differences. It has everything to do with enriching our lives and expanding our perspectives.

By the way, as long as you are wondering, I’m writing this blog entry sitting comfortably in Anne Claire’s living room in the Netherlands. Also, and by the way, she has a great blog called “Thinking out loud” at

So, Is there anything holding you back from a multi-cultural experience?

What do you think?


Friday, March 27, 2009

A healers job is to help their client reestablish their path

Please excuse my skipping over logical details.. I’ll leave it up to you to fill in the blanks. One page is all I’m willing to muster today! :-)

Mind is all. All is mind.

This means that disease is created through a faulty (wonkey) thinking pattern.
The higher mind doesn’t like wonkey thinking because it creates imbalance. If a person’s thinking pattern gets wonkey, their higher mind creates situations that if not headed become physically dramatic. For instance, a stubbed toe can evolve into a broken ankle, thereby creating a really wonkey body.

The unbalanced, wonkey thinking patterns take you off your path. The disease creates an environment that interrupts your current actions. That, hopefully gives you the time and impetus to take a closer look at what you are doing so you can put yourself back in balance.
In order for a person to be truly healed, the wonkey thinking pattern needs to be changed.
This means that the healer needs to be able to work with their client in a way that draws out the wonkey attitude behind the complaint. Then the healer can help the client to transform their attitude so the complaint doesn’t resurface.

The main point is that a modern, complete healer needs to work with and transform the mental causes as well as the physical symptoms. This implies that the healer helps realign the clients path. How the healer accomplishes this requires more discussion than fits on one page so I’ll just leave it at that.

What do you think?


Sunday, March 22, 2009

A thought about discouragement

Without sounding negative, I’ve been contemplating discouragement. Not because I’m discouraged at this moment, but because I’ve often been discouraged. When I’m experiencing a bout of discouragement it not only hurts but it seems as though I’m wasting time. It’s like it saps my creativity, or at the very least my productivity. So, why was discouragement invented? What is its purpose?
I’ve noticed that I always pull myself out of discouragement. Indeed, I know with a certainty that I will move away from every episode. However, that in itself isn’t enough for me to escape its grasp. There comes a time when I’m tired of the discouragement. Yep, I become discouraged with discouragement. Then, and only then can I move away from it. When that decision is made, the transformation easily occurs. Thats good news, but how can I eliminate or shorten the episode?
I think I have an answer. However, I’m really interested in your thoughts. I have a tendency to either simplify or over structure things a bit too much. I’m hoping that with your input, we can create the perfect anti-discouragement sound byte. (Or, perhaps a sound paragraph is more realistic.)
It seems to me that discouragement accomplishes two things; It forces me to stop a project when it isn’t turning out the way I wanted. And, it gives me a chance to become righteously indignant. The righteous indignation part is another thought for later thought in a separate thought page. Discouragement stops me from pursuing an unproductive path and brings the old ego into visibility. In other words, it puts things on hold so I can take a look at an ego-centered perspective that isn’t working. All that need to be done is invert the discouragement with a positive affirmation. Here is mine...

I pause to release all old concepts that no longer work for me.
I fill that release with pure creative energy.
I move forward to a new goal with new timing.
So be it.

Well, thats it. What do you think?


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Some thoughts about communication...

Have you noticed that communication styles seem to go hand-in-hand with awareness? For instance, if a person isn’t aware of another person’s state of being, they will often preach to them or dictate opinions. On the other hand, if a person is aware of another’s path, they will tend to listen more and preach less. There will be less emphasis on what a person knows to be their truth and more of a tendency to look at communication as a learning experience.
As awareness grows, communication will eventually evolve into a discussion that pulls another’s opinion out. After that the communication style is modified to match the others point-of-view. Another way to look at this is that what you learn from another is more important than dictating your personal truth.

An excellent philosopher (Scott Adams) said that a person forgets what they are told but remembers what they have experienced. Pulling information from another uses the other’s experience as the basis for communication. However doing that takes patience and lots of awareness. It also indicates an evolutionary step toward the realization that everyone is Divine, and that there is literally no such thing as being better than another, be it in knowledge, spirituality or in possessions.

It seems to me that, through awareness, communication evolves through seven steps.

1. Preaching:
I know what’s best with little or no regard for the other. It is possible to preach a doctrine as well as an opinion. In that case the doctrine becomes dogma and the communication becomes a power trip.
2. Lecturing:
An attitude that says “Here is the information. Accept it or not. There will be a test!”
3. Interaction:
What do you want? I am interested in interacting with you in order to convince you that my opinion is good for you. I’m willing to answer your questions, but I’m right.
4. Recognition:
The value of the other’s perspective is important. An open mind exists. Listening for the sake of change, not for appeasement.
5. Pulling:
Extracting information from the other person’s perspective. This gives insight as to their opinion. Their opinion is valuable and expands my personal truth. Change comes through acceptance.
6. Becoming:
Communicate from the others perspective in order to clarify the greater truth. A recognition that the greater truth encompasses all opinions. There are no strings attached.
7. Being:
Communication through presence. A peaceful awareness that accepts all opinions and allows evolution toward universal balance.

If you take an honest look at your communication style, it probably seems that you are working at all seven levels simultaneously. However, as awareness grows the latter stages become more prevalent. Also recognize that a later step does not reach its full potential before the preceding step has reached its full power.
How often do you experience another person dramatically or emotionally making a point? There appears to be a need to express an opinion with such force that the other person is intimidated into agreement. Psychologists say that the emotional outbreak is a sign of insecurity. In other words the person is not sure that he is right and is trying to convince himself that he is! This implies that when the earlier steps are being expressed, the communicator is still not completely convinced that their opinion is true.
In any event, it is clear that the higher purpose of communication is to learn, not preach or convince. As awareness increases this becomes a way of life that puts a high regard on helping others through a greater understanding of them, not necessarily from what you know. The discovery of an ever evolving truth is put in higher regard than being right.
Truth then, is an energy that is not static. It continuously moves and is closely tied to awareness and personal evolution. Your communication style becomes a measure of how well you understand your personal truth.

What do you think?


Note: Steps 1, 5 & 7 come from the Julian teachings.