Friday, March 27, 2009

A healers job is to help their client reestablish their path

Please excuse my skipping over logical details.. I’ll leave it up to you to fill in the blanks. One page is all I’m willing to muster today! :-)

Mind is all. All is mind.

This means that disease is created through a faulty (wonkey) thinking pattern.
The higher mind doesn’t like wonkey thinking because it creates imbalance. If a person’s thinking pattern gets wonkey, their higher mind creates situations that if not headed become physically dramatic. For instance, a stubbed toe can evolve into a broken ankle, thereby creating a really wonkey body.

The unbalanced, wonkey thinking patterns take you off your path. The disease creates an environment that interrupts your current actions. That, hopefully gives you the time and impetus to take a closer look at what you are doing so you can put yourself back in balance.
In order for a person to be truly healed, the wonkey thinking pattern needs to be changed.
This means that the healer needs to be able to work with their client in a way that draws out the wonkey attitude behind the complaint. Then the healer can help the client to transform their attitude so the complaint doesn’t resurface.

The main point is that a modern, complete healer needs to work with and transform the mental causes as well as the physical symptoms. This implies that the healer helps realign the clients path. How the healer accomplishes this requires more discussion than fits on one page so I’ll just leave it at that.

What do you think?


Sunday, March 22, 2009

A thought about discouragement

Without sounding negative, I’ve been contemplating discouragement. Not because I’m discouraged at this moment, but because I’ve often been discouraged. When I’m experiencing a bout of discouragement it not only hurts but it seems as though I’m wasting time. It’s like it saps my creativity, or at the very least my productivity. So, why was discouragement invented? What is its purpose?
I’ve noticed that I always pull myself out of discouragement. Indeed, I know with a certainty that I will move away from every episode. However, that in itself isn’t enough for me to escape its grasp. There comes a time when I’m tired of the discouragement. Yep, I become discouraged with discouragement. Then, and only then can I move away from it. When that decision is made, the transformation easily occurs. Thats good news, but how can I eliminate or shorten the episode?
I think I have an answer. However, I’m really interested in your thoughts. I have a tendency to either simplify or over structure things a bit too much. I’m hoping that with your input, we can create the perfect anti-discouragement sound byte. (Or, perhaps a sound paragraph is more realistic.)
It seems to me that discouragement accomplishes two things; It forces me to stop a project when it isn’t turning out the way I wanted. And, it gives me a chance to become righteously indignant. The righteous indignation part is another thought for later thought in a separate thought page. Discouragement stops me from pursuing an unproductive path and brings the old ego into visibility. In other words, it puts things on hold so I can take a look at an ego-centered perspective that isn’t working. All that need to be done is invert the discouragement with a positive affirmation. Here is mine...

I pause to release all old concepts that no longer work for me.
I fill that release with pure creative energy.
I move forward to a new goal with new timing.
So be it.

Well, thats it. What do you think?


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Some thoughts about communication...

Have you noticed that communication styles seem to go hand-in-hand with awareness? For instance, if a person isn’t aware of another person’s state of being, they will often preach to them or dictate opinions. On the other hand, if a person is aware of another’s path, they will tend to listen more and preach less. There will be less emphasis on what a person knows to be their truth and more of a tendency to look at communication as a learning experience.
As awareness grows, communication will eventually evolve into a discussion that pulls another’s opinion out. After that the communication style is modified to match the others point-of-view. Another way to look at this is that what you learn from another is more important than dictating your personal truth.

An excellent philosopher (Scott Adams) said that a person forgets what they are told but remembers what they have experienced. Pulling information from another uses the other’s experience as the basis for communication. However doing that takes patience and lots of awareness. It also indicates an evolutionary step toward the realization that everyone is Divine, and that there is literally no such thing as being better than another, be it in knowledge, spirituality or in possessions.

It seems to me that, through awareness, communication evolves through seven steps.

1. Preaching:
I know what’s best with little or no regard for the other. It is possible to preach a doctrine as well as an opinion. In that case the doctrine becomes dogma and the communication becomes a power trip.
2. Lecturing:
An attitude that says “Here is the information. Accept it or not. There will be a test!”
3. Interaction:
What do you want? I am interested in interacting with you in order to convince you that my opinion is good for you. I’m willing to answer your questions, but I’m right.
4. Recognition:
The value of the other’s perspective is important. An open mind exists. Listening for the sake of change, not for appeasement.
5. Pulling:
Extracting information from the other person’s perspective. This gives insight as to their opinion. Their opinion is valuable and expands my personal truth. Change comes through acceptance.
6. Becoming:
Communicate from the others perspective in order to clarify the greater truth. A recognition that the greater truth encompasses all opinions. There are no strings attached.
7. Being:
Communication through presence. A peaceful awareness that accepts all opinions and allows evolution toward universal balance.

If you take an honest look at your communication style, it probably seems that you are working at all seven levels simultaneously. However, as awareness grows the latter stages become more prevalent. Also recognize that a later step does not reach its full potential before the preceding step has reached its full power.
How often do you experience another person dramatically or emotionally making a point? There appears to be a need to express an opinion with such force that the other person is intimidated into agreement. Psychologists say that the emotional outbreak is a sign of insecurity. In other words the person is not sure that he is right and is trying to convince himself that he is! This implies that when the earlier steps are being expressed, the communicator is still not completely convinced that their opinion is true.
In any event, it is clear that the higher purpose of communication is to learn, not preach or convince. As awareness increases this becomes a way of life that puts a high regard on helping others through a greater understanding of them, not necessarily from what you know. The discovery of an ever evolving truth is put in higher regard than being right.
Truth then, is an energy that is not static. It continuously moves and is closely tied to awareness and personal evolution. Your communication style becomes a measure of how well you understand your personal truth.

What do you think?


Note: Steps 1, 5 & 7 come from the Julian teachings.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Are You Using Intuition? Really? - Part Two

So, the bar is raised a bit for the use of intuition. (See the preceding thought “Are You Using Intuition.”) The question is then “How do you know when you are using your intuition?”
The proof is in the pudding...

Sweet pudding tests:
If your world has changed without becoming more complex, then your pudding is sweet.
If you find that you are healthy and have time to pursue creative activities without modifying your priorities, then your pudding is sweet.
If external conditions like the economy, work or weather don’t effect your lifestyle, then your pudding is sweet.

Sour pudding tests:
If you or others in your environment are complaining, then your pudding is sour.
If you feel pressure to do something, either from within yourself or from external events, then your pudding is sour.
If you spend more time helping others than being helped, then your pudding is sour.

Well, it seems to me that intuition has evolved beyond the “finding a parking space” into “becoming more compatible with universal priorities.” Today’s universal energies put us on a more individualistic path that is far different that the priorities, trials and tribulations of our life so far, including our childhood. It really is a good time to look at our lifestyle and determine if it is supporting ourself or if it is marching to an unproductive drum of a decade or more ago.
The sweet and sour pudding tests are really a look at omens that are always in your life. If the omens were never invented, then we would have no way to fine tune our intuition. Keeping your pudding sweet isn’t being selfish, it simply places you in a position where you can really be helpful.

What do you think?


Friday, March 6, 2009

Are You Using Intuition? Really?

Have you noticed a subtle but significant change in the way intuition and ego need to be separated? Over the past 6 months or so I’ve noticed that my desire for something to be true has been quietly overriding intuitive feedback. In other words, my old view may no longer be valid but it is easy to ignore my intuition that is saying “Take a broader view.” I’m pretty sure that my intuition and my desire for truth are as strong as ever but...
I think that there are a number of reasons for this...

1. Elevation in vibration:
The universe’s vibration continues to elevate and therefore there is a need for a higher elevation in consciousness in order to communicate with the universe.

2. Resistance to change:
Boohoo, after all; after a decade of change it is getting tiresome, even boring. Whoa, that’s not a good reason. We still have 2,500 years to go!
Another thought might be that we are already highly elevated and change is no longer necessary. Yikes, that last one is really dangerous. There is no end to growth. When we think that we are there, growth abruptly stops, far short of our potential.

3. Stubbornness:
I’ve already changed my perspective. Therefore, I don’t have to change it again. Boohoo and yikes, see 2 above. By the way, there is a difference between resistance and stubbornness.

4. Fear:
Behind every fear is an insecurity. The insecurity of loss is a biggie. It is helpful to keep in mind that change is always good (in the long run) and that things can always get better, even if they are pretty good now. Expansion of perspective is the path to greater awareness and fulfilling your potential.

It is easy to say “Nice ideas but they don’t apply to me.” If so, see 1- 4 above. A greater and more productive use of intuition is a good thing!

What do you think?


Monday, March 2, 2009

Logic is illogical

Logic involves inductive reasoning based upon experience, premises and rules. However, who is to say that the rules aren’t faulty, or that the experiences are enough, or that all the relevant premises have been discovered? At best, as experience and premises become richer over time, logic iterates toward some goal. This is not good if you are in a hurry! How many iterations of logic are needed before an appropriate level of truth is achieved? Hmmm, logic is illogical!

So what, if anything, works better than logic? To answer that let’s take a quick look at consciousness.

Lets divide consciousness into two pots. The first pot is everything that we have learned, and committed to memory, through our physical senses. This includes what we have learned through education, observation and experience. The second pot is everything that is available to us that is beyond our physical senses. Logic can be used with everything that is in the first pot. By the nature of logic, the second pot is off limits. Therefore, if anything works better that logic it must be available to us and in the second pot.

So, what is beyond our physical senses with the caveat that it must also be available to us? The answer lies in an elevation of our senses beyond their physical aspects.

Naturally, anything that you read here is first pot stuff so it doesn’t count. Sigh. However, there is a way for you to discover something that is better than logic. That method is meditation. It is possible, even easy, to elevate your senses beyond their physical bases in meditation. All that is necessary is to affirm the following: “In this meditation my senses will elevate and insight to my question will be presented to me from the highest source.” Then just be quiet and listen. The answer may come instantly in your meditation or perhaps later in a dream or even in the form of an omen.

The next really good questions would be: How do I know that the answer is accurate and comes from the highest source? How do I hear what is being said? What is an omen? Well, these are later topics. They have to do with trust and the release of preconceived ideas.

What do you think?
